Authors' Bios


Authors' Bios

Peter D. Schwartzman, Professor of Environmental Studies, has taught at Knox College (in west-central Illinois, USA) since 1998. He holds a PhD in Environmental Sciences (University of Virginia); MSc in Science and Studies (Virginia Tech, USA); and, BSc in Physics with minor in Philosophy (Harvey Mudd College, USA). He is the Mayor of Galesburg (IL) and served as a City Councilor from 2011-2021. He has co-founded two locally-focused non-profits (Knox Prairie Community Kitchen and Growing Together, Inc.) and has served as a board member on many others (including, Galesburg Athletic Youth Club, Galesburg Farmers' Market Association, Illinois Stewardship Alliance, and Western Illinois Nature Group). On his free time, he writes a blog ( and is an aficionado of Scrabble having played in a U.S. National Scrabble Championship/Cup seven times.

David W. Schwartzman, Professor Emeritus, Howard University (Washington DC, USA), holds a PhD in Geochemistry from Brown University, USA. In 1999 (updated in paperback in 2002), he published Life, Temperature and the Earth (Columbia University) and has several recent papers in Capitalism Nature Socialism (CNS). David serves on the editorial boards of Science & Society and Capitalism Nature Socialism. He is an active member of the DC Statehood Green Party/Green Party of the United States, the DC Fair Budget Coalition as well as several other community organizations, especially since his retirement from Howard University in 2012.

Both authors recently coauthored The Earth is Not For Sale (2019, World Scientific), and much of their recent work is profiled on their website,

Contact Info

Peter Schwartzman can be reached by email at: pschwart (@ symbol)

David Schwartzman can be reached by email at: dschwartzman (@ symbol)