Related Relevant Resources
(in reverse chronological order)
(34) "Fungi stores a third of carbon from fossil fuel emissions and could be essential to reaching net zero" by H. Hawkins et al., Cell Biology, (6/05/23) (Link)
(33) No Miracles Needed by Mark J. Jacobson, Cambridge University Press (Feb 2023) (Link)
(32) "'No miracles needed': Prof Mark Jacobson on how wind, sun and water can power the world" by D. Carrington, The Guardian, (1/23/23) (Link)
(31) "How Biotech Crops Can Crash--and Still Never Fail" by A. Aga & M. Montenegro de Wit, Scientific American, (12/27/21) (Link)
(30) "'An act of rebellion': the young farmers revolutionizing Puerto Rico's agriculture" by Nina Lakhani, The Guardian, (12/23/21) (Link)
(29) Regeneration by P. Hawken, Penguin, (Fall 2021) (Link)
(28) (video) Electric Cars are Not Sustainable and They're Terrible by A. Fisher, YouTube, (8/16/21) (Link)
(27) 100% Clean, Renewable Energy and Storage for Everything by Mark J. Jacobson, Cambridge University Press (Oct 2020) (Link)
(26) "Climate change: Power companies 'hindering' move to green energy" by M. McGrath, BBC NEWS, (9/1/20) (Link)
(25-1,-2) "Black turbine blade 'can cut bird deaths'." by M. Kinver, BBC NEWS, (8/26/20) (Link)
"Bird deaths down 70 percent after painting wind turbine blades." by J. M. Gitlin, arstechnica, (8/25/20) (Link)
(24) (video) Paris: 'World's largest urban rooftop farm' in progress, by D. South & L. Louis, BBC NEWS, (8/23/20) (Link)
(23) "Agroforestry Land Restoration Technique Improves Food Security in Honduras" by L. Potter, Popular Resistance, (5/18/20) (Link)
(22) "Connecting the Dots Between Environmental Injustice and the Coronavirus" by K. Bagley, Popular Resistance, (5/18/20) (Link)
(21) "Basalts Turn Carbon into Stone for Permanent Storage." by K.M.S. Cartier, EOS, (3/20/20) (Link)
(20) "Reducing Fire, and Cutting Carbon Emissions, the Aboriginal Way" by T. Fuller (photos and video by M. Abbott), New York Times, (1/16/20) (Link) (David Schwartzman's comments about: (link)
(19) "3% of U.S. military spending could end starvation on earth." Share the World's Resources, (1/13/20) (Link)
(18) "Natural Gas: A Bridge to Climate Breakdown," Lila Holzman, Mike O'Boyle and Daniel Stewart, March 2020 (Link)
Brief Description: This report outlines these evolving risks for shareholders, lays out investor strategies to accelerate the clean energy transition, and shows how clean energy cuts utility investment risks from over-reliance on natural gas while providing new growth opportunities supporting decarbonization.
(17) "Breaking Bad: Uncovering The Oil Industry's Dirty Secret," BBC News, Chris Foote, Undated (seen on 3/22/2020) (Link)
(16) Seven Challenges to Energy Transformation, Rocky Mountain Institute, 2019 (Link)
(15) The False Promise of Natural Gas, New England Journal of Medicine, P.J. Landrigan, H. Frumkin, & B.E. Lundberg, 12/4/2019 (Link and Graphic)
(14) "Greta Thunberg's Speech at U.N. Climate Action Summit, 9/23/19 (Link)
(13) Our response to article in NYT, "Almost Everywhere, Fewer Children Are Dying" (9/17/19, Link): "WE CHARGE GENOCIDE: The annual preventable death of 5.8 million children (2017). On trial in the court of world public opinion: Militarized Fossil Capital and its political instruments". The article understates the situation with: "The overwhelming majority of child deaths are preventable. Adequate nutrition, water, sanitation, vaccines and antibiotics can save many lives. And its not always a matter of money; often there are cultural or political roadblocks. Malnutrition was a contributing factor in nearly half of these deaths." [This is a followup of our book discussion (Introduction, p. 2).]
(12) "There Is No Such Thing As A Green War" by Eleanor Goldfield, 7/7/2019 (Link) (D. Schwartzman's (Comment))
(11) Youth Lawsuit against US Government regarding Climate Change (Juliana v. US) (Link). Our Childrens Trust has also produced many reports pertaining to climate change; these can be found at Link. They also support a 1 deg C warming by 2100, 350 ppm CO2 limit; read their argument (4/11/19) at link.
(10) Important News: The AAAS awarded the Scientific Freedom and Responsibility Award to Drs. Sarath Gunatilake and Channa Jayasumana who "faced death threats and claims of research misconduct while working to determine the cause of a kidney disease epidemic that has claimed tens of thousands of lives in their home country of Sri Lanka and around the world. Ultimately, their advocacy led to the culprit, an herbicide called glyphosate, being banned in several affected countries," according to a 2/4/2019 AAAS press release. The press release has since been removed from AAAS website. AAAS has also cancelled the award ceremony. US Right to Know captured it and have it posted at this link.
(9) "Biodiversity and Agriculture: Nature's Matrix and the Future of Conservation," Food First Backgrounder, Ivette Perfecto, John Vandermeer and Angus Wright, Winter 2019 (Link)
(8) Important Quotation: "the risk of tipping cascades [to destabilizing feedbacks] could be significant at a 2°C temperature rise and could increase sharply beyond that point. We argue that a planetary threshold in the Earth System could exist at a temperature rise as low as 2°C above preindustrial," from Will Steffen, Johan Rockström, Katherine Richardson, et al. (2018) 'Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene.' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 115 (33): 8252-8259.
(7) IPCC (2018). Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C (Report). Incheon, South Korea: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). (2018) (Link)
(6) How the MIC profits from Endless War (9/17/2018; 15 minutes) (Link)
(5) Sticking with Nuclear Power Will Make CC Worse (9/16/2018) (Link)
(4) The impact of militarism & capitalism on environmental justice: A Global Greens Webinar (9/2018; 97 minutes) (Link)
(3) Analysis: Why the IPCC 1.5C report expanded the carbon budget, 10/8/18 (Link)
(2) The Health and Environmental Benefits of Wind and Solar Energy in the U.S., 2007-2015 by D. Millstein et al. (Jan. 2017) (Link)
(1) "An Exploration on Greenhouse Gas and Ammonia Production by Insect Species Suitable for Animal or Human Consumption," by D.G.A.B. Oonincx et al. in PLOS (12/29/10) (Link)