Interviews, Reviews & Additional Writings
D. Schwartzman's "Did Netanyahu set a trap for genocide?", CounterPunch (Dec. 2024) (Link)
D. Schwartzman's slide show, "Terminating Fossil Fuels", EcoAction Webinar (Dec. 11, 2023) (Link)
D. Schwartzman's slide show, "How China can prevent Climate Catastrophe, opportunity and contingency" (Nov. 12, 2023) (Link)
D. Schwartzman's "The path to Climate Security Passes Through Gaza." (Oct. 22, 2023) (Link)
D. Schwartzman's "Critique of Hickel et al. (2022)" (Dec. 2022) (Link)
D. Schwartzman's "How degrowthers underestimate how much energy humanity needs" (Summer 2022) (Link)
D. Schwartzman's "Confronting the Obstacles to Climate Security", Red May Panel (May 18, 2022) (Broadcast, Slides)
D. Schwartzman's "Degrowth in a renewable energy transition?", Univ. of Exeter (April 4, 2022) (Link)
D. Schwartzman's "A critique of degrowth", Climate & Capitalism (Jan. 2022) Link (compare to D. Tanuro's related piece Link)
D. Schwartzman's "Thermodynamics: a metaphor or a science?", People and Nature (Jan. 2022) Link
P. Schwartzman & D. Schwartzman's Can the 1.5 deg C warming target be met in a global transition to 100% renewable energy?, AIMS Energy (Nov. 2021) Link, Correction
D. Schwartzman & P. Schwartzman's Urban Ecovillages (Oct. 2021) Link
D. Schwartzman's The Global Solar Commons, the Future That is Still Possible: A Guide for 21st Century Activists (updated Feb. 2, 2021) Link, Endorsements.
(If you already downloaded the Oct. 2020 version of D. Schwartzman's The Global Solar Commons, here is the Post U.S. Election Epilogue you can download separately, Link)
New short book, confronting the current deep crisis and mapping out a path to the future. Donations of any amount are welcome (to an ally, the Green Eco-Socialist Network (GEN) Link)
D. Schwartzman's Review of Revolution or Rain by K. Heron and J. Dean (June 2020, Link), e-flux, 8/6/20 (Link)
D. Schwartzman's Review of Planet of Humans, Popular Resistance, 4/30/20 (Link)
D. Schwartzman's Gaia 2.0--An ecosocialist perspective, 1/13/2020 (Link)
Gaia 2.0 is the title of a recent Science paper by Timothy Lenton and Bruno Latour. Their subtitle is "Could humans add some level of self-awareness to Earth's self-regulation?" Given especially the urgent need to prevent climate change with catastrophic impacts much greater than we now witness, David prepared this paper.
D. Schwartzman's Critique of Capitalocene, Socialist Register, 12/28/2019 (Link)
Popular Resistance Podcast, 7/16/2019 (Link)
"What a Green New Deal for DC could mean for the city's working-class residents" by D. Schwartzman in The DC Line, 7/5/2019 (Link)
"The path to climate justice passes through Caracas" by D. Schwartzman & Q. Saul in Monthly Review online, 6/25/2019 (Link)
Tyler Volk's Review, 6/2/2019 (Link)
Kurt Stand's Review in MDCDSA, 2/7/2019 (Link)
Sputnik Radio (D. Schwartzman interviewed by E. Puryear, 1/25/2019) (Link)
Ian Angus' Short Review for Climate & Capitalism, 10/1/2018 (Link)
Trinity Broadcasting Network (P. Schwartzman video interviewed, 8/2015) (Link)
KMUD (Redwood Community Radio) (P. Schwartzman interviewed, 4/21/2011) (Link)
Peter Schwartzman's Blog, Fire (Link)